[mrsorcerer:21824] What is Mobile Doctor ?????

Just for sharing my experience with "Mobile Doctor"

The name is like as a professional !

What is their service ?

-Servicing and replacing parts of hand sets.
-Giving training (unofficial training/home made training), like as watch repair man.

Are they expert in Hardware and Software ?

- May be substituting parts and hardware.
- But, they are not so sure on handling software.

Why I said like this is, my hand phone has software problem due to decoding a password
several time and software can not come up. In this case, one of my friend suggested to see
Mobile Doctor ( 15th St., Yangon ). Those guys are Chinese guys and a training gives there.

I went and meet them and show my hand set. They said me to load software for my hand set
after wasting about 2 hours. Then, they tole me again to leave my hand set for 2 day there
because of Internet is Slow at Day Time and will finish it at Night Time while in fast Internet speed.
On next day, I called them and inquired about my hand set. They replied me as it is not finished
yet and have to take 3 days more.

I am not sure that it will take so long time for treating or loading a software for an hand set ???
Actually, 1st time they had been loaded software for my hand set BUT camera system and video
system is not working. It is a touch screen and delayed to open in this application.
They took the charges about 15,000 Kyats for loading a software to my hand set. They said that
the real price they took 20,000 Kyats. Opps...

My surprise is have to go 2-3 times to their place and not give the proper service as they said
and not definitely finished in confirm date. Even they got Big Charges for service, they should
keep on their promise.

Their reason is "Internet is Slow". They are giving reason like that and I think that it is not a true reason.
Why they are taking 2 to 5 days for down loading internet. I do not think as MPT' s Internet is always slow.

May I suggested you to think about to go there or not for that place when your hand set has problem.

Before taking your money, they just care you.
After taking your money, they not care you well and saying for waiting ........................

Can you imagine about their skills ???

I am not a business person.
I am not aimed to attack their business.
But, I so disappointed their services.

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